12/28 - New Article interviewing Brian May - Link to Brian May Interview - Loving what Brian May said and hope there is a possibility of a 2012 Collaboration for some big event!

Adam stole the show. In fact he was the Show. We already now from GlamNation that Adam owns any stage and The EMA's performance with Queen was no exception!! I Will Let His Performance Speak For Itself!!!

NEW!!  Queen’s Roger Taylor Talks ‘Extravaganza’

and Future Plans

The part of the article that WOW'd me and I know all Adam Fans is as follows:

"Wrapping up, what are the thoughts about any potential Queen shows in the future?

Well actually, we did a thing for MTV Europe – the VMA Awards, about two weeks ago. We did three or four songs at the end of the show with Adam Lambert, who has really matured and has become an incredible performer. I think Brian and I will very possibly be doing something with Adam, because he’s really great. His range is unequaled, I think, and his stage presence is really quite something these days. He’s a phenomenal performer and it went very well, so that was very interesting, actually. We would hope to be doing something with Adam at some point."

Link To Full Article At Ultimate Classic Rock:



  Sonisphere TV - EMAs Director's Cut - Queen + Adam Lambert Medley on MUZU.TV.

New MTV Director's Cut of ADAM LAMBERT & Queen perfoming at the 2011 EMAs (European Music Awards) on Nov 6, 2011 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with new camera angles, no watermarks, and improved audio! DL courtesy of @terra_zephead (Terra テラ).
Invited by Queen to sing with them at the Europe Music Awards (EMAs), Adam performs a spectacular rendition of a medley of Queen songs. The final act of the evening's broadcasted performances played to a live audience of 8,000 (with millions more behind the television), he captivates the audience with his usual touch of theatrical flair and brilliant vocals.

1.The Show Must Go On
2.We Will Rock You
3.We Are the Champions

MTV Video of Adam's Queen Performance In Full

 Link To MTV Most Viewed Performance - Adam's Queen

Performance Now #3 11/26/11

(Give It A Lot Of Hits)

Inteview With Roger Taylor, Brian May and Adam!

OMG!! So Out Of This World

Oshi Posted The Following In The "Hot List" and I Hope She Doesn't Mind That I Also Posted It Here Too As It Is so Moving and brilliant!!  I Know It Will Bring A Smile To Each and Every Adam Fan That Reads It!!!



"I'm old enough and lucky enough to have seen Queen in concert several times. My favorite band growing up. I'd heard about this guy Adam Lambert a little but didn't know much about him. When I heard he was going to sing with my favorite band, I thought it would be a disaster. Some kid who was trying to be another Freddie. But, I had to watch, it way my band.. They were great. But, I have to say, that kid was phenomenal. He knocked me off my self righteous pedestal He's not Freddie but I don't think he was trying to be. He has his own style and a voice like I've never heard before. Not Freddie, but just as good. I looked him up online and saw some of his other performances. He's really got talent. You can bet I'll be following his career from now on."






We Just learned This From an interview with
The Daily Star Sunday (UK)


Another Adam Interview At The EMAs

The Real Paula Abdul
The . performance w/ on the WAS &i'm SO proud! Queen is 1 of the greatest rock bands ever-


Irish Times November 11, 2011 by John Kearns: Link To John Kearn's Article This is the beast article about Adam I have ever read. A must read!!!

PopStar: 'Adam Lambert Lends Voice to Queen for MTV Europe Music Awards Performance' - http://www.popstar.com/News/Music/Article/182


Flecking Records: 'Wow! Adam Lambert rocks the EMAs with Queen!' - http://www.fleckingrecords.co.uk/2011/11/wow-adam-lambert-rocks-the...


Associated Content From Yahoo - Kerry Kolsch: 'ADAM LAMBERT SINGS with QUEEN at the EUROPEAN MUSIC AWARDS' - http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/9122317/adam_lambert_sings...


Huffington Post: 'MTV EMA Awards: Queen Presented With Global Icon Award, Welcome American Idol Winner Adam Lambert For Final Medley'


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I have been watching Adams performance with Queen everyday since the show. WOW WOW WOW. It was not only perfection but visually mezmorizing. Just magnificent! I love all the picture after. Adam and Queen make a nice Glamily.

Hi Barbls and everyone else, I read all the articles but I don't see this one here.




I don't know how I could have missed putting John Kearns article in the OP. Just put it in with your link. Thanks so much for calling my attention to this overlook!!!

Love viewing the videos and looking at all the great pics of Adam. Can't let it go. Must go back and look every day!!!

I cried reading the Irish Time article, that's what we knew all along. The time for the brightest Adam Star to shine has come, I'm soooo happy :)

Wow ~ Those pictures above are AwEsOmE! Loved the outfit that Adam had on. Everytime I watch the performance it just makes me feel like I'm floating around in the clouds.

Popping in for my daily fix, my day is not complete without watching the video :)

Yipiee, Queen/Adam video is up in Canada MTV, Canadian Glamberts what it her to give it views, let blow this shit up on MTV all over the world :D


Barbls, Queen/Adam video is up on Canada MTV, anyway you can put this up in OP? It's the #59 video on the list of EM clips.

Hi milkywayfairy I'm streaming alongside you,Where do we see the view count at I can't seem to find it 

debbielynn, don't think the Cdn MTV site is as organized as the US one, can't find anywhere showing stats :(

Hi Love, RW working!! Thanks!! Isn't this Director's cut of Queen performance absolutely gorgeous!! I swear I cannot get enough of hearing and viewing Adam's performance!! Take Care!!

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