Adam Will Be On The Second Season Of Sundance Channel's 'All On The Line'

"All On The Line" TV Show on the Sundance Channel "Featuring our own Adam!!! It premieres November 25, 2011. Adam's Segment Next Friday December 9, 2011


Link To Article By Renee Snyder

Adam's Segment Airs

December 9, 2011 9:30 - 10:30 pm ET



Adam Lambert Learns Less Is More





Link to New Article on "All On The Line"


"Sundance Channel has announced a second season of fashion rehab show All on the Line.  This time Nicole Miller is among the designers who submit to the top-to-bottom audit from Elle creative director and series star Joe Zee.

The second season also will feature even more boldface names and friends of Zee who help judge the designers’ progress. They include American designer Rachel Roy, American Idol finalist Adam Lambert, Mark Badgley and James Mischka of Badgley Mishcka and model Veronica Webb."  Link To The Hollywood Reporter's Article


This show was so made for Adam.  Joe Zee is so influential in the Fashion Industry. I can't wait for this. I think Adam is going to have a lot of fun on this show and we are going to have a lot of fun watching him help judge the designers' progress.



Link To Sundance You Tube Channel





Link to

From Rolling Stone Interview


"The Fashion. You don’t get to be known as the glam rocker for nothing, but Lambert’s loud fashion tastes may be quieting down.“I think [on Idol] I was really attracted to flashier, tackier fashion,” he says. “I think there’s a beauty in tacky fashion. Even some of the pop performers of the past decade, it’s real sparkly and flashy and I was trying to do my best homage to the late ‘70s glam rock idea, with the rhinestones and feathers, stuff that was as out-there and ridiculous as possible.”

And between reading the European fashion mags and growing up a bit, don’t be surprised if you see a slightly different-looking Lambert these days. “I’ve kind of started to tone it down in the respect that [my look] is not as flashy now. It’s still different and avant-garde, but it’s a bit more chic; a bit more designer as opposed to Vegas.”  With all that passion, is there any chance Lambert will be starting his own line? “I’d love to work on my own fashion line, accessory line, shoes or something,” he shares. “[But] obviously right now I’m focused on my music.”

Still, Lambert’s connection to fashion made him a perfect fit to go on Joe Zee, an opportunity Lambert says was a real privilege.”[Zee] is such an intelligent, creative guy and we just hit it off really well,” he says. Lambert will guest on the show known as “fashion bootcamp,” assisting Zee and giving tough love to designers struggling to find their vision and voice."
  Read more at ONTD:
Link To Full Rolling Stone Article


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This sounds like this show is going to be the most fun of all. Our own Adam featured. Cannot wait for Adam voicing his Fashion Forward Thoughts!!! 

Joe Zee is so moving in discussing his high school experience and his confidence to be who he is and do what he wanted in life. He like Adam are examples for every young people to follow. Forget the taunts, know who you are and own it. Focus on what you want out of life and "Go For it." Your experiences help to make you who you are, but don't define you!! There is a life beyond High
School and looking at joe Zee and Adam, it looks pretty good what lies ahead!!

@Barbls, thanks for posting this wonderful news on Adam, you rock !!!

I think this is just the beginning of what we can expect from now on...I wish Glee next !!!

Godam, So glad to see you in this discussion. Just updated. Yea, Glee would be so great. Hopefully, when Adam's new music comes out!! Are you flailing as I am over "Trespassing" and "Better Than I Know My Self." Can't wait for Release dates and Cover Art!! It is getting closer and realer every day!!!

Barbls, Glee would be great exposure for Adam since lots families watch that show, his music will come to life once more, perhaps go Platinum on FYE, that would be great !!!

As for flailing, boy we're all over the top, good things been happening to our Adam for three weeks in a row, too much to hande .... pretty soon we gonna need blood pressure pills lol.

Once again Adam keeps us on our toes & guessing...Our BB has grown so much these past two years...It's as if he's gone from a rebellious young man making a huge impact & statement...To a man who has always loved fashion he's owning it now more than ever while still making a huge impact & statement...Thanks @Barbls for posting this positive wonderful news

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