It's A Rush I Can't Explain... One Of Our Member's Beautiful Fan Video!!!

@Lucy Vella made a beautiful Fan Video named It's a rush I can't explain... and has kindly given her permission to let me share it with everyone!! It is set to Ferras singing Rush. I know you will be as moved as I am!!


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Lucy you have hit the bullseye in the heart of the matter with this lovely tribute. Every word you said was as if it came from the hearts of all of Adams fans.   ....."You give me hope for the weird kid inside of me" are not alone Lucy, because you know what?..... some of Adam's fans may be older than you and some by many years....but we have never stopped being that weird kid inside. We may be older now, but our weird kid inside has never left us. I've said before that when we look at Adam we see ourselves ...our glorious weird selfs, he has made us embrace ourselves.

...... Adam, while being confident and unque, has made US ... "confident to be unique and special " is a wonderful thing. Lucy you have said it all so beautifully..... Adam is truely special with that "heart of purest gold" you spoke of.......Thank you xxx


Thank you @Barbls for seeking Lucy's permission to share this beautiful video from her heart  to Adam's.

Lucy what you've done here is nothing short of a Miracle

Your heart has tapped into Adams just as so many of ours has

Adam has brought us to a place in our lives where we have been afraid to go

Not only to stay true to ourselves, to never give up, also to honor the life we've been given

To move forward in our lives being the weird quirky kid no matter our age

To be proud of exactly who we are always holding our head high

@dylangirl your words as always move me to tears

Thank-You dear friend for saying it so perfectly

I'm so grateful @Barbls that you received Lucy's permission to share this

@Lucy Thank-You sweet girl for this beautiful tribute to not only Adam

Also to us all weird, crazy, wild kids xoxo





I can't help watching this again. Lucy you have made this video so meaningful to all of us.As dylangirl said it touches all of us who have felt like that weird kid. To this day I get that feeling. I am not that weird kid, but that weird grown woman who feels like I am still that weird kid!!! It never leaves you. In fact it becomes a badge of honor. I like being that weird kid/grownup. Viva La Difference!!! Adam makes me proud to be one!!

Thanks for all your lovely comments. As a committed Christian, looking at Adam as my miracle brings me closer to God. I'm under no illusions and I know I wouldn't have found Adam if I hadn't prayed for him. Adam's my inspiration because he's taught me the most about human kindness and believing in myself and believing I'm good enough to be whoever I want to be. My walk with Jesus hasn't been easy at some points, but when Adam came into my life, I knew immediately God had blessed me with someone to look up to. What I feel I've tapped into is Adam's confidence, acceptance and positivity. I know I'll be flailing loads about him when the new CD comes out, and I cannot wait to flail...but right now, I feel like Adam is a part of my family...I love him unconditionally and want him to understand how much God loves him and how proud He is of him. I tweet him 'God bless' every day on twitter...because I know for a fact that God loves Adam and God will keep blessing Adam. I pray every night that he's kept safe and reasonably sane <3 

What beauty! I do not have words... Adam, I am so happy, that knew you.  As well, that you came on Аmerican  Idol and opened the most enormous talent to the world. People, Adam Lambert - the this best, that could happen with this world. Thank you for this wonderful video

Lucy, every emotion you feel I feel. I will always be a loyal fan as well. This was such a beautiful tribute to out beautiful Adam!!

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