"With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls,
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do, that dares love attempt..."
~William Shakespeare; Romeo and Juliet. Act 2 Scene 2
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It is not often that I am in awe of something, or someone. It is not often that I hear the hidden call of a lone sparrow in the middle of the night, or the sound of a wave, lapping at the shore of an otherwise still lake.
The poet, baring her soul, the artist, expressing a vulnerability through the visual art, the musician presenting his song, for all the world to hear.
I take these things for granted. I don't always hear them. I don't always feel them. I often miss the visual cues, the symbolic undertones, the non-linear concepts and sequences.
But every once in awhile, something moves me so deeply, reaches beyond my wall of complacency, and opens the window to my soul.
The lyrics. Simple, yet complex in their message. Painful to hear("They say we'll rot in hell") but hopeful in the message (But I don't think we will").
The anguish of having 'no place to run to'. 'No place to grow old'. The frustration of 'being branded', and of ' all we know is no'. The wisdom to remind us that 'we cry the same tears', we 'feel the same rain'. The reminder that 'scars make us who we are'. Poignant.
And the dream that 'we would go so far with our minds wide open.
There is not a point where I have to stop and analize these lyrics. Nor, do I take them for granted in simple terms, or at face value.

Behind these lyrics lies the soul of a man who has single handedly made me face my humanity. He has made me think, he has made me feel beyond emotional state of being. He has made me question myself, he has made me stop and truly contemplate the things I take for granted in my life. To appreciate what I have, but to strive to go beyond that realm of thought, and into the heart of the essence that is me.

He delivers this song simply. His lifelong friend standing proudly at his side, strumming the acoustic instrument as if it is a harp of an angel. There is a nervousness about them. It is almost hushed, tentative, at first. Adam's voice carries upon the night breeze a tenderness, despite the harsh reality of the meaning. He delivers this gift, wrapped up in a vocal package that is soft and sweet, emotional and strong, sure and true, honest and courageous. There is an underlying excitement, as he gains momentum, and you can hear the turning point. He has taken the risk. He will not look back.
Like Romeo, he chose to ascend that balcony to his love, to his fate, and he had no regrets. Despite all obstacles, despite any opinions of others, despite even the voice in his head, he sang with his heart.
For love.
Love for his family, his loved one, his friends.
Love for his music, his art, his message.
Love for himself.

And we all stopped to hear him. We all listened. We felt something stir within our being. We freed the darkness with a new light of awareness.
We laughed, and cried. We know. We feel. We hope and dream and sing in the Joy that is Love, and in the Depth that is Despair. For they are interchangeable, and they are Life.
And they are Love.
The Turning Point.
For us. For Adam. For the World.
"And what love can do, that dares love attempt" .

Respectfully submitted,
Karena xoxo

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