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Glamity58's Friends

  • fairywings2
  • GlambertBaby16
  • Reem
  • Starlight
  • ssshap777
  • Roro Broda
  • milkywayfairy
  • debbielynn

glamity58's Page

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 11:19pm on August 7, 2014, GlambertBaby16 said…

Hello Janet is charming meet you, i' ve member  since  since 2012, but i follow Adams since American Idol !!!,he is really talented , cute, adorable and is my inspiration. Now i really happy because one of my edit is in Th Home Page , in twitter i glambertbaby16 , Thanks for you comment i see you sugar♫☼

At 11:14pm on August 7, 2014, GlambertBaby16 said…

At 9:32am on August 7, 2014, GlambertBaby16 said…

i hope can be Glamfriends Thanks╰☆╮♬(◦'⌣'◦)♬♥ ╰☆

At 7:31pm on June 29, 2012, fairywings2 said…

I haven't seen a link to loop VH1 on Hot page unless you are referring to the one that you have to keep clicking on.  I have the link to the Vevo one that loops 25 times so I have it playing most of the time in the background.  I guessing that you are saying the VH1 loop in a one time play in which case you have to be on line to click replay. 

At 3:24pm on September 3, 2011, Starlight said…

Oh sorry, yes, I clearly assume everyone can read my mind! Haha! OOL stands for "Outlaws of Love", Adam's new song. I'm so happy you've found a singing teacher for your daughter - that's wonderful news - I'll be thinking of her for her audition! Do you mean the teacher thinks Bieber and Taylor Swift is in the same league as Adam?! I'm surprised! But if it's your daughter who thinks so, she'll grow into 'hearing' good sound production the more she studies voice, so in time, she'll come to that realization herself - no worries! x

At 9:59am on September 2, 2011, Starlight said…

Gosh, I know exactly what you mean - cannot believe summer is gone already! What on earth has happened to this year, right? Thanks for your support re: the shows and don't worry if you can't listen to the live show - there's always the podcast afterwards. I'm also really, really excited to do a show on OOL on 15 Sept - can't wait! Speak soon. xx

At 6:00am on August 31, 2011, Starlight said…

Hi Janet, 

Yes, my own radio show was last night. You can listen to it whenever you want at: from 1 Sept. But you're right: I'll be talking live with Juneau & Xena next Wed 7 Sept - as far as I understand it, you just go to their blog site, and half way down the page you'll find the icon for the Blog Talk radio stream - just click on it and you'll hear us. There is also a phone number displayed, so if you want to talk to us, you can call in to the show.

At 7:57pm on August 30, 2011, Starlight said…

Hi Janet, How lovely to find you here, too! x

At 10:15pm on August 05, 2011, ssshap777 gave glamity58 a gift
Hi Janet! What an exciting time to celebrate Adam's new album!
At 8:25am on July 13, 2011, debbielynn gave glamity58 a gift



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