Hi all!

I've been asked to post my recap of Ste-Agathe's concert here and thought it was a good idea. For those of you that already received my recap through email, this is an edited version, as I remembered things I didn't wrote about in my first recap, and left out other details. It's a little long, but I hope you like reading it! :)


So me and my friend @Those_Eyes were meeting up for the concert. We knew we would get there a little later than everyone else, so we were prepared on being pretty far back for this one. Well what a surprise did we have when we get there after 7pm, and we see that there wasn’t as many people as we thought that had arrived. So we ended up maybe 50 feet or so in front of the stage, pretty good spot considering the time!! And the stage was high which made me happy because I’m short!

We waited for Adam about 2 hours… not long for me compared to last year's balloon festival, where I waited more than 12 hours... but after half an hour my feet were already hurting because of high heels… doesn’t matter, I know the pain is worth it! And wearing high heels turned out to be a good idea after all, made it a little easier to see.

Time passes… Musique Plus guy gets on stage to present Adam… Tommy, Monte and Isaac arrive… Then Adam appears on stage… I want to film the intro, which turns out to be FYE (btw I think it was his best performance of that song), and so I do my best to take shots and keep focus, positioning the camera way up in the air between heads in front or me… I have a hard time so I decide to switch to the big screen… that’s when I see Adam in close-up…. I mean BIG close-up! OMFG… is he for real?? I know we always say that… but I swear I never saw him more beautiful and hot as he did that night… I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing, and I lost my breath for a few minutes there. Made it even more hard to focus on shooting the video! And he looked so happy to be there. We're screaming alot and it reminds me of the balloon festival. I know Adam loves it, it gives him energy and he shoots it right back at us. What a great start for the show! :)

By now you know he did a different set than GNT, and it was truly awesome. Each song was a blast to hear. We didn’t get Voodoo, ROF, or Soaked… but we got the world premiere of Outlaws Of Love, omg… I was wishing for a new song and got my wish… we are so lucky we got to hear it first!!! I was getting ready to film the performance, when Adam said he was going to sing a new song that he wrote… I go OMG and scream, then I drop everything and turn off the camera. No way I'm going to film, I want to focus on him. I looked at @Those_Eyes, with I’m sure very big eyes, and my hands to my mouth, trying to silence my self but I couldn’t help but scream a few times more… When he started to sing, something came over me… I was a bit in a trance (same thing happens when he sings Soaked) and went completely silent, hands to my mouth in a prayer like position, looking at the big screen most of the time, and getting lost in his eyes while he was singing… I wasn’t hearing all of the words correctly, but I was totally transported by the melody and his voice, the voice of an angel, and it was touching me deep. My personnal thoughts on the song… So beautiful, sad and inspirational at the same time. He sings about his hurting, and the one of so many others that are being judged for who they love. “They say we'll rot in hell, but I don't think we will, They've branded us enough, Outlaws of Love”. For me it means… don't listen to them and just do what you have to do, love who you want to love. It's hard but we'll be ok, despite them and what they think. It’s the same inspiration as when he sings "our souls will be ok"….

At some point we see lightning & big grey clouds coming our way… After he sings Fever, and then rain arrives… Monte starts playing guitar again and I’m not sure if I’m hearing right at first… could this be??… than more music… Oh my freaking god it’s WLL… I went down… literally... like if I was praising a god or something… YES!! OMG!! THANK YOU!!… You see, I had never heard WLL live… most of my friends did, and all I had was videos… and each concert I saw, I was praying for it but it never happened… I still hoped for it this time, but became used to not getting it… So it was a total surprise and a gift!

He starts singing and the rain pours... alot... oh yeah… that felt good… lots of people around were pulling out there umbrellas but not me… I stood there in the pouring rain, arms in the air (I’ve been having chronic pain in my arms and shoulders for months and even tho they hurt, during the concert it didn’t matter, specially not during that performance!). I’m looking and listening to my rock god… it pours more and more… I’m in ecstasy and totally soaked… Adam takes his jacket off… omg… no.. OMFG… I scream and think "gawd he’s hot and killing me"… I’m hot despite the cold rain… ;)  I was on a high of some kind again… but different than other concerts... being out in the rain listening to him sing WLL made it... yeah, I'll say it...  it was an erotic rock high… totally orgasmic!  It's probably why later I said I was going to smile for weeks! LOL!!

I was soaked to the bones, arms in the air and dancing, or it's more like I was rocking myself from side to side... sometimes closing my eyes... my shirt probably became completely transparent because of the rain, and for once I'm not giving a damn about people seeing me that way, or thinking I was going nuts! Just doing my thing and enjoying the moment, rain coming down on me, focusing on his voice, mesmerised by his stage presence... Umbrellas were keeping me from looking at the stage at times, so I missed a bit of the action going on, because cameras weren't always at him on the big screen… but it didn’t matter… I was feeling it….. the music, his voice, his presence… gawd it was awesome!  :)

We left after WWFM thinking it was over, and on our way we heard him sing Purple Haze, saw a bit of it on the big screen between the trees. I listened to the video later and saw that he said Merci Beaucoup at the end… really nice touch from him and such a lovely accent!

Like for every concert, it goes by too fast... and I feel privileged and honored that I was there… and even more so when it happens in my province, and that he gives us the gift of a new song. That, for me, was a sacred moment. Luckily I was in some kind of a trance and don’t remember those people screaming. Only when I saw the video did I realize that, and truly I don’t understand why someone would want to scream in such a moment (just like Soaked actually).

For me, Adam was at his best that night, he was on fire and gave us an amazing concert! I soaked to the bone & body aching all over but don't matter, I had the time of my life thanks to Adam Lambert. Again!!

Oh and… I swear I’ll never see rain the same way ever again!


Here's a review of the concert that was published in one of the biggest daily journals in Montreal. They praise Adam, it's great to read!



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Comment by Karen Steele on August 16, 2011 at 9:32am

Awesome recap Chat! You transported me back to that wonderful day...it really was a magical experience! Thank you :)

Comment by debbielynn on August 8, 2011 at 7:07am

Hi Nat

Your recap is beautiful...I feel every emotion you felt

What a magical night that was...Thank-You for sharing dear friend

I'm really disappointed we didn't meet up

At his next show we will meet up for sure

Love & Hugs ~ Debbie xoxo


Comment by Chatonat4Adam - Nat on August 8, 2011 at 3:36am

Thanks so much Oshi! Yes I agree it was his best show!




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