Starlight's Comments

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 12:52am on September 4, 2011, glamity58 said…

Starlight....I quickly figured OOL was Outlaws of Love. I do love the song. I reread my comment and realized it didn't make sense. No, it wasn't a teacher that said Swift and Bieber were in the same league as Adam. I was trying to tell my daughter that Swift and Bieber are not in Adam's league vocally. He is superior vocally and expressively, but all the kids like Swift and Bieber, so Claire goes along with it. Bieber is cute and that's probably the most important thing right now to a 13-year-old.   I'll let you know how she does.  Janet

At 12:27am on September 3, 2011, glamity58 said…

Hi Starlight.  Can't wait to hear the show next week.  I can't think what the acronym OOL stands for.  Please let me know.  I think I've found a voice teacher for my daughter.  She auditions tomorrow for the little company of kids she's in.  She's also a fan of Adam.  Now if I could just convince her Bieber and Swift are not in his league!

At 2:03am on September 1, 2011, said…

hi angelina, thanks for the note! was going to ask what you were up to but can see that form your wall. i hope we get to "discuss"again soon :) xo

At 11:54pm on August 31, 2011, glamity58 said…

I look forward to listening to the program.  I might even call in.  I've been busy and it is late, but I plan to listen.  Thanks.  Still looking for a voice teacher for my 13-year-old daughter.  Time just flies and the summer is gone!

At 3:23pm on August 31, 2011, Elisha said…

Hi! I sent you a friend request :) x

At 11:53pm on August 30, 2011, glamity58 said…

Yes Starlight, it's good to see you are here.  I believe you will be on the radio show tonight or another night?  I am trying to listen, but I'm not so good with technology.  I'm sure I can play it back, but I'd love to hear it live.  Janet

At 4:41pm on August 29, 2011, Barbls gave Starlight a gift
At 4:41pm on August 29, 2011, Barbls said…

Hi Starlight, Welcome to Adam Storm. I see you have already found friends. I am glad to see we are getting more members from all around the world. The more united we are, the more impact we will have in getting Adam's new single and album to the top of the charts and keeping it there. Cannot wait for the Storm. If you have any questions, or need any help in navigating the site, please let me know.  Barbls

At 9:44am on August 29, 2011, debbielynn gave Starlight a gift
At 9:44am on August 29, 2011, debbielynn said…

Hi Starlight welcome to Adam Storm

I'm so happy to see you here

Adam teased us with OOL

Can't wait for him to give us the rest of his amazing new music

If you have any questions at all please ask

Have a nice day ~ debbielynn xoxo


At 11:24am on August 28, 2011, ssshap777 gave Starlight a gift
`~` Hiyah Starlight ~ Welcome to Adam Storm. It's such an exciting time for Adam and his fans. Whoa..that's a gorgeous avi! `~`
At 10:30am on August 28, 2011, dylangirl said…

Hi Starlight ....So glad to see you here. We are all looking forward to Adam's new exciting. We're going to be a great team xoxo



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