On the heels of seeing Adam in St Agathe

And witnessing his debut of Outlaws Of Love

Along with his Behind The Music Special

He has once again stolen more of my heart

I am in awe even more than I was of Adam

Not once did Adam ever give up or back down

He refused to let anyone tell him he couldn't or wouldn't make it

Through all his years of struggling

Whether it's trying to break into the music industry

Or coming to terms with who he is

This beautiful gorgeous self assured young man has come a long way

He no longer has to search for finding a place where he belongs

Adam belongs exactly where he is at

In the hearts of everyone whom he has touched

Performing on stage for the world to see

Reaching out to others who are struggling in their own lives

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

He stood ever so tall when he said "I have nothing to hide, I am who I am"

Adam has a way of making us all take a long hard look in the mirror

He's helped so many search deep into their own heart & soul...I am living proof of that

Adam has searched for his purpose in life

Not only did he find it, he's doing it ever so perfectly

He brings Love, Healing, Hope & Happiness through his music

Adam's turn to shine has arrived...Shine he does, ever so brightly

The aura which radiates from Adam is filled with Love, Beauty & Humility

Mixed in with a whole lot of gorgeousness along with the voice of an Angel

Every artist dips his brush into his own soul and paints his own nature

Dear sweet Adam Thank-You for having the most loving beautiful soul

Your wings are spread wide open allowing you to soar

Soar you will...To heights unimaginable

We, your adoring loving fans will be the wind beneath your wings





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Comment by debbielynn on August 8, 2011 at 5:04pm

My dear friend @dylangirl I find myself saying this to you so many times

Once again your words have moved me to tears...Let me rephrase that

This time they have moved me to sobbing "We see Adam staring back at us"

"Each Adam resides in us" Omg girl you're killing me here :)

Thank-You dear friend for tapping into my heart

And for getting Adam the same way so many of us do

Luv Ya xoxo

Comment by dylangirl on August 8, 2011 at 4:47pm

Debbielynn my heart has ached for Adam, my heart has worried for Adam, and my heart has rejoiced for Adam and one thing is for sure, Adam belongs in our hearts.....moving in deeper with every day that passes.
Adam is a symbol of our struggles, a bearer of our pasts, as well as his own. We relate on many levels to this young man.....and yes he has made us look harder into that mirror......and the thing is, we see Adam staring back at us, because a little of all of us resides inside Adam himself. I can't believe for one moment that we don't see ourselves in Adam.....everything you say is true....he has awakened in us the same spirit that runs through Adam's veins. Whether it be the rebellious Adam, the freaky Adam, the sweet child-like Adam or the fierce wild child Adam...each Adam resides within us. What makes our relationship with Adam even that more beautiful is he is taking that paint brush, you speak of, and painting his fans as part of his masterpiece and letting us shine right along with him.....that's what makes him different ....he makes us feel like we belong, like we're accepted and loved by him and each other.
Yes Debbielynn, we his adoring fans, will always remain the wind beneath his wings.....and he too will be the wind beneath our wings. We will help him paint his masterpiece.

Thank you for writing such beautiful inspiring words Debbielynn xoxo



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