Debbielynn's Blog (8)

Adam's Time Has Arrived

Once again I find myself sitting at my computer

Listening to Adam speak to me through his music playing on my IPod

And I begin to relive this amazing 3 year journey Adam's brought us on

It all started the second he peeked around the corner and said I'm not skerd

And he took his place on that platform in the audition room of AI

Since then life has never been the same...Adam stole a piece of my heart

In fact he will forever own that little piece of my…


Added by debbielynn on April 11, 2012 at 10:31pm — No Comments

Trespassing A New Beginning

This first paragraph is the way I ended my previous blog

St Agathe is where I believe Adam was closing a chapter

With whole lotta love came our revival...A cleansing

Adam looked up to the heavens with outstretched arms taking in every drop of rain

He then removed his vest tossing it aside

It's as if he was saying to us all...The time has come to let go of this Era

An Era that was filled with love, happiness, laughter and even some tears

With all of those beautiful…


Added by debbielynn on January 9, 2012 at 4:43pm — 1 Comment

St Agathe The Final Chapter

These past couple of weeks I've been doing some serious soul searching  

Once again I find myself doing what I seem to always do

I look to Adam and his music for my inspiration 

In this search I've been guided to his St Agathe concert  

This is where my dream became a reality for I finally was able to see him live in the flesh   

I believe this is where Adam was closing the chapter on an Era in his career 

Making way for his new Era to…


Added by debbielynn on October 26, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

What Are Adams Feelings

As I read different articles

Along with many heated discussions

Regarding Adams sophomore album

I find myself pondering this one thought

How is Adam feeling right now


I'm sure he is just as excited as we are

Yet at the same time he must be feeling some sort of anxiety

Along with many butterflies swirling around in his stomach

My hope for Adam is he will enjoy every moment leading up to his albums release

May all of his…


Added by debbielynn on August 11, 2011 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Adam Does It Again

On the heels of seeing Adam in St Agathe

And witnessing his debut of Outlaws Of Love

Along with his Behind The Music Special

He has once again stolen more of my heart

I am in awe even more than I was of Adam

Not once did Adam ever give up or back down

He refused to let anyone tell him he couldn't or wouldn't make it

Through all his years of struggling

Whether it's trying to break into the music industry

Or coming to terms with…


Added by debbielynn on August 8, 2011 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

My Adam Lambert Journey

It all began February of 2009

I turned on my television to tune into AI once again

As I've been doing since season 2

Little did I know at the time

This was going to be the year that changed my life forever

As soon as Adam came around the corner

And he said I'm not skered...that was it

I looked into those gorgeous beautiful eyes of his

It was then and there he owned my heart

Adam didn't even have to sing a note

He has an aura about…


Added by debbielynn on July 26, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Adam The Man The Music The Legend

As we wait in anticipation for Adam's new album

I can't help but play these past 2 glorious years in my mind

I'm going to start with Adam the man

What a gorgeous beautiful man he is

Starting with his ever changing hairstyles

Adam knows how to keep us guessing

Then there's those eyes

Omg...They pierce deeply into our heart & soul

Those are the eyes in which we get lost in

His lips are beautifully flawless

Whether they are smiling or… Continue

Added by debbielynn on July 11, 2011 at 1:28pm — 2 Comments

Adam Asks Whataya Want From Me

Today I Was Watching GNT for the billionth time
Somehow Whataya Want From Me took on a new meaning…


Added by debbielynn on July 6, 2011 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments



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